Me: Look, a rainbow!
Mom: Oh yeah! Wow. [beat] You know when you see rainbows? [beat] After it rains.
Me: You're kidding, right?
Mom: No.
Me: You see rainbows after it RAINS, eh?
Mom: Yeah.
Me: No shit, Sherlock. [beat] You're kidding me with this, right? [beat] Can I put this on the blog?
Mom: I don't care.
Me: Are you sure?
Mom: Yeah, I don't care.
Me: You know, they call them RAINbows for a reason, right? 'Cause they happen after it RAINS.
Mom: I never thought about it like that.
Me: Really? Well, they don't call them DRYbows or CLEARbows, do they?
Mom: No, I guess not.
Welcome to my world. My DRYbow-filled world.