Monday, May 31, 2010

Topical Reference


While walking through a train station-side fair on a very hot day, mom stopped at a booth and bought a pink baseball hat to shelter her head from the sun.

Dad, with a shit-eating-grin on his face, walks up to me, pointing over his shoulder at mom and says:

"Did ya see Pinky Tuscadero over there?"



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Healthy Eating Tips from Harry


You know how dads always mean well by passing along "helpful" information? Except, the information isn't always helpful so much as it's totally confusing. The following conversation nearly drove me insane:

Dad: What'd you have for lunch?
Me: Salad.
Dad: A Chicken Caesar Salad?
Me: No.
Dad: You should have Chicken Caesar Salad.
Me: It's high in calories.
Dad: No it's not.
Me: Yes, it is. Because of the dressing and the cheese.
Dad: So, use another dressing.
Me: Then it's not a Chicken Caesar Salad.
Dad: Yes it is.
Me: The Caesar Dressing is what makes it a Chicken Caesar Salad.
Dad: Well, you can't just call it a Chicken Salad, because a Chicken Salad has mayo in it.
Me: Obviously.
Dad: So have a Ranch Chicken Salad.
Me: You're just not getting that it's the dressing that makes the salad unhealthy.
Dad: Whatever.

You're welcome.
