Thursday, February 18, 2010

She wants it her way...


One day, Mom took me to KFC for lunch. I was at the age when everything mortified me to epic levels of embarassment. Such is being a pre-teen.

She stepped to the counter and placed her order, with me at her side.

Mom: Uh, yeah. Gimme some of those McNugget things.
Me: [cringing] Mommmm, that's McDonald's. Not KFC.
Mom: Oh, it's the same thing. [beat] And two cokes...
Cashier: No coke. We have Pepsi.
Mom: Whatever, it's the same thing.

Truth be told: She's right.


  1. Hmmm...these are real gems and I am gald that my family was and is as strange as yours. No wonder we are so brilliant! Keep them coming!

  2. No way! Coke and Pepsi are so different! I can totally tell the difference in taste. :)
