Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Stiller/Lewis Connection

April 2010.

Many a conversation with Mom goes like this:

Mom: I was looking through your Entertainment Weekly and saw a picture of that guy whose father is on that show...
Me: What show?
Mom: You know. The one with the funny father.
Me: Mom. What show...?
Mom: You know the one... It’s on channel 9.
Me: King of Queens?
Mom: Yeah, his son.
Me: Ben Stiller. Right.
Mom: What happened to him? He looks terrible now.
Me: Yeah, he let himself go.
Mom: He looks like Larry’s friend.
Me: Larry’s friend?
Mom: Yeah, you know. Larry’s friend on his show.
Me: Mom!
Mom: Oh, you know... The one who’s always complaining!
Me: Oh, Larry David.
Mom: Yeah, his friend.
Me: Richard Lewis.
Mom: Yeah.
Me: Yeah, he kinda does look Richard Lewis.


  1. I love how as the conversation goes along you find yourself agreeing with your Mom's observations. There is wisdom buried in there!

  2. If I was Ben Stiller and heard you comparing me to Richard Lewis now, I would making late night calls to your house. As usual, funny blog!

  3. what scares me most is when i know exactly who she's talking about right out of the starting gate. very frightening. --nicole
