Thursday, December 10, 2009

Are ya there? Pick up.

The concept of voice mail hasn't really dawned on mom. The answering machine, however, is something she's well acquainted with.

Mom's known to call my work number, almost daily, and leave messages. Except, in her mind, she's leaving a message on an answering machine. On numerous occasions, I've recieved this very message:

"Nicole, are ya there? It's Ma. Pick up." [silence.] "It's Ma. Are ya there? Pick up. [silence] "OK. Guess you're not there. Call me back."

Just imagine, if voice mail didn't exist and every worker's desk had an old-school answering machine. In my mom's world -- that's what modern office life is like. No matter how much I try to convince her otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. my mom does this everytime she leaves a voice mail on my cell... and each time i tell her " it's not an answering machine, i can't hear you leave the message"... and she always says "yeah yeah yeah i know i know".. until the next time she gets my voice mail :-p
