Monday, December 28, 2009

The Blue Period

Look, it was the 70s; therefore, taste was questionable. Taste in art -- all the more questionable. I guess that's what possessed my parents to purchase the painting that hung on our living room wall for the better part of 15 years.

Let me describe: The painting used to hang over an equally atrocious brown floral sofa. The subject of the painting was a lone country church, at night, in the snow. And the entire painting was cast over with the most depressing shade of blue. Every time I looked at that painting, I'd shiver. It literally made me cold inside.

My mom would often stand in front of that painting and say:

"Don't you feel like you're there?"

My answer was always a firm no.

As far paintings go, I suppose it wasn't as terrible as the sad hobo clown that hung on the wall in the den (which, incidentally, also hung in Craig Brady's bedroom on The Brady Bunch).

Ahh, the '70s. Good times.

This is the actual painting that "delighted" me for so many years. 


  1. you should have seen what was at my parents' house!
    great blog and I do feel like I am there!

  2. Craig Brady? Was he a long lost cousin or something?
